Bored Pile

Bored Pile

CIP is a bored cast-in-situ pile by using soil drilling method and installing steel casing throughout the pile length which can be prevented erosion of soil layer around the hole. Therefore, the installation procedures will be uncomplicated and fast. It is commonly used in the following areas:

  • Projects that are required foundation to support large-scale structures
  • Areas that are not convenient for pile driving
  • Areas that are required reducing soil pressure problems from the replacement of piles
  • Areas that are avoided noise and vibration pollution form pile driving

C.I.P Specification

  • Pile diameter 40 – 100 cm.
  • Pile depth 8 – 30 m.
  • Excavation by using soil drilling method and installing steel casing throughout the pile length

Advantages of C.I.P

  1. Reduce damage to building around construction area due to soil movement
  2. Reduce noise pollution compared to the driving method
  3. Free vibration drilling
  4. Use to replace in the area driving pile method is not suitable
  5. Boring of soft layers, sand and gravel layers and the deposit strata are possible by using steel casing

Installation Comparison Table

Dry processC.I.P Full casingWet process
Prevent the erosion of the Soil layer surrounding the holeDepend on soil propertyFull casingBentonite
Prevent the permeate of groundwater at the bored endDepend on soil propertyUse water to prevent the permeate of groundwater at the bored endUse bentonite to prevent the permeate of groundwater at the
Cleanliness of the construction area due to installationDepend on soil typeDepend on soil typeSoil mix Bentonite
Complicate of workNot complicateNot complicateComplicate


Bored Pile